Get Ahead of Vital Signs
See current hemodynamic trends and predicted risk of instability throughout the hospital

The FDA-cleared AHI System™ can continuously detect and predict hemodynamic instability ahead of vital signs.
Created to:
Reduce Nursing Burden
- Know the evolving status of all patients
- Better patient prioritization
- Proactive versus reactive
Designed to:
Reduce Adverse Events
- Early awareness
- Increased vigilance
- Early intervention
Built to:
Increase Throughput
- High confidence in patient’s recovery
- High confidence in appropriate level of care
- Timely transfer decisions
The AI-driven AHI System extracts information embedded in a Lead II ECG signal alone – no manual or other inputs required!
Medical device software that includes two analytics that provide a comprehensive view of a patient’s evolving hemodynamic trajectory
Detect and trend hemodynamic status

Predict episodes of
hemodynamic instability

48 minutes lead time ahead of vital signs
Predicted 89% of first episodes of hemodynamic instability with a median lead-time of 48 minutes ahead of continuous arterial line blood pressure and heart rate vital signs.

Fast implementation and easy adoption
- First result in minutes with no baseline needed
- Intuitive output means minimal training required
- Anytime, anywhere access on wall monitors, computers, and mobile device browsers
- Use standard ECG electrodes from bedside, telemetry or wearable patch to get real-time surveillance of adult patients across the hospital
AHI is the new standard for detecting and predicting hemodynamic instability. Contact us to learn more.